Thursday, April 2, 2009

Journal Entry 29th March 2009: A Clean Conscience

Heb 9:14
How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God.

It is once again this basic truth (Christ shed his blood for us), on which salvation is based upon. He died to make us clean & clean us internally of the past, present and future sins. He also cleans our structure (internally) along with our conscience.
We find ourselves saying (including many people) "I let my conscience guide me"
But have we scrutinised our conscience lately? Is my conscience clean?
Do I serve with a clean conscience or do I SERVE to clean my conscience, because I think I have the capability to repay God of this debt (but in actual fact I can't ever repay it)


How is God's work pricking my conscience? I have to constantly remind myself that the benchmark for my life is His Word and Law. I need to check my conscience and hear what it says and compare it with the WORD. Is my conscience guided by the Holy Spirit. Does my conscience revel or rebel when the fruits of the spirit are produced or not produced? The result of a clear conscience is marked by the fruit of the Holy Spirit & Not WORKS!

Lord I want to grow the fruit in my life intentionally. My motivation & conscience needs to be pure. Help me grow in these areas in my surrender to you.

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