Thursday, April 16, 2009

Journal Entry 16th April 2009: What if I am called to do something else?

Neh 3:5,27
5 The next section was repaired by the men of Tekoa, but their nobles would not put their shoulders to the work under their supervisors.
27 Next to them, the men of Tekoa repaired another section, from the great projecting tower to the wall of Ophel.

Men of Tekoa? Who were they?
I'm reluctant to reflect on this not because it pokes a needle in my side.. but more that I remember Snr Pastor sharing something about this. Probably it's his influence in my life. eh?
However my observation may be different.
Who were they?
the Men of Tekoa were a motivated entrepreneurial group that rebuilt an important section of Jerusalem while simultaneously protecting their families in a time of conflict.

Throughout this chapter of Nehemiah, it records many ppl involved in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Firstly financed by a pagan king, secondly, overseen by a cupbearer, built by NOT wall builders, but carpenters, diamond makers, goldsmith etc etc.

And they built it in record time!


I ask myself this question.. if the men of Tekoa and all the other ppl could build the wall which is out of their field of "expertise", did they do it with passion or without passion. The Men of Tekoa did.. they did 2 things instead of one.
So I believe if they have passion, knowing the purpose of building the wall, even though it's not their field of expertise, they put their heart mind and soul, and body into it. Spear in one hand, Trowel in another...
Do I work as hard on God's call in my life as hard as I work?

I seriously do want to. I thank God for Vineyard, thank God for what he wants me to do.. at the same time..I am scared lah.. heheheh


Lord cast out all fear in my next step, as I endeavor to respond to YOUR call in my life. Whom you call you will equip and as I remain in You.. I know I will be equipped.

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